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TAPP Group has carried out more than 70 projects for large enterprises
The usage of good quality spare parts results in lower COGS and fewer process and unscheduled downtimes for the company.
TAPP Group has helped such giants as SUEK, Severstal, Evraz, ERG. Our protfolio features 70 different projects. Here are some of them.

SUEK's Tugnuyskaya Concentrating Mill
TAPP's clients from 2012 to 2020.
The output volume increased from 352 thousand tons per month to 1250, with overall maintenance duration going down from 130 hours per month to 40 hours due to advanced equipment and quality consumables. The cost of production decreased from 128 ₽ to 92 ₽ per ton of processed feed.
Today 94% of all spare parts, consumables for the mill are supplied by TAPP Group. The mill gains in efficiency and productivity year on year, which means that the strategy we chose paid off.

SUEK's Chernogorskaya Concentrating Mill
The screens were designed to match the characteristics of the plant. The output capacity of the refurbished section grew from 500 tons/hour to 1,200 tons/hour. After 22 months of operation, 4 units out of 6 had ran without the seives replacement.

Berezovskaya Concentrating Mill
TAPP's clients since 2018.
Four screens have been put into operation.
The existing production underwent a refurbishment, with two Russian-made screens had been replaced with one AIRY screen, which lead to the overall utilization increasing from 200 tons/hour to 370 tons/hour,
The screen life is 7 times higher compared to the previous equipment, despite the increased load.

EVRAZ's Abashevskaya Concentrating Mill
Cooperation from 2018 to 2020.
A heavy-type screen was installed. It allowed 140 railcars to be unloaded per shift. Previously, the maximum input was 96 railcars.
In 2019, the mill faced an urgent issue with dewatering of fine concentrate. We manufactured and commissioned custom designed screens in 45 days. Installation took 3 days including the dismantling of old equipment
For the first 5 months of 2020, the mill processed 16% more material compared to 2019.
Today 70% of all spare parts and consumables for the mill are supplied by TAPP Group. Conn Weld USA screens were replaced with AURY screens.

Expensive and high-quality spare parts lead to lower production costs and technological and unscheduled downtime of the enterprise.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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