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About us
TAPP Group

Our Mission: To build efficient processing facilities for the good of the People, Country and Planet.

At TAPP Group, we are not just another sales organisation, we build complex technical solutions that help you up your game in productivity and efficiency. We provide a full range of services from design to construction and commissioning.

Our extensive experience with preparation plants and coal processing as well as our manufacturing acumen allows to apply out-of-the-box thinking to identifying solutions that will improve your output and reliability.

Tilda Publishing

Key benefits of being TAPP Group's client

  • Personal touch:
    • Tailor made equipment design that meets customer needs.
    • Process optimization for overall efficiency.
  • Quality and reliability:
    • We partner with proven manufacturing facilities, ensuring strict quality control.
    • Durability and minimal effort in equipement maintainance.
  • We are experts in design and construction:
    • Engineering, procurement and commissioning capabilities.
    • A comprehensive approach to improving productivity and efficiency of your business.
  • Out-of-the-box solutions:
    • We offer a proprietary selection of standard equipment. Reliable and modern solutions with long service lives and minimal maintenance costs.
To dedicate oneself entirely to one cause, to realize extraordinary things. Moreover, to aim for more and for better with zeal, inspiring the people around you with ideas. These are the principles that Dmitry Lokhov lives by, a miner in the past, the founder of TAPP Group today.

How did you come into the mining industry?

— As part of my university studies, I had an internship at Raspadskaya Coal Company, and during my time there I would frequently go down the mine and curiously learn the nitty-gritty of the business. Immediately after the university I got a job at the Tugnuysky coal mine (SUEK, Buryatia). I started as an excavator driver's assistant and after six months became a mechanical engineer. Later on, I would be seconded to the chief mechanic department. There, I became the youngest expert in this unit in the company's history.

Then I was promoted to deputy chief power engineer of Tugnuyskiy coal mine. I was exactly when the SUEK's management tasked the business to up the coal production from 370 thousand tons to 1 million tons of coal per month. In particular, by March 2010 the development of Nikolskoye field was supposed to start. In December 2009, myself and my colleagues were entrusted to realize a unique project: to deliver a dragline excavator (ESH 10 70) from the Tugnuyskaya mine to the new site.

The catch was that along the transportation path of 12 km there were no power lines. Our team and the maintenance engineers who serviced the quarry equipment took the challenge. In the end we came up with the idea of utilizing a BelAZ dump truck as a source of electricity. It would feed the power to the excavator's walking mechanism. We did all the necessary settings for the escalator: a measuring mode, recuperation mode and dynamic braking mode. The dragline walked all 12 kilometers without power lines and remained absolutely intact.

Dmitry Lokhov
Founder of TAPP Group
Before that, colleagues from the Far East tried to transport an identical excavator using the same method, but the machine traveled only 1 km and broke down - as a result the equipment turned to scrap metal. SImultaneously, our contractors completed construction of a 35 kV substation to supply power to Nikolskoye. We got everything done on time, and the strip-mining operations on site started in a timely manner.

After a successful project, the Moscow management marked me as a young, hopeful specialist. I was promoted to chief mechanic of the Tugnuyskaya coal preparation plant - at that time I was only 25 years old. When I first started, the enterprise was in a deplorable state - emergency downtime averaged 12 hours a day. Hence our production plans were rather a secondary task.

I must admit that it was not easy for me to get used to the new place, as I majored in electrical motors and automation, and I was not that familiar with the enrichment industry. I had to learn the peculiarities of the manufacturing process and get acquainted with the equipment.

In 4 years Tugnuyskaya Preparation Plant was recognized as the best coal mining enterprise of SUEK. The concentrator capacity increased from 3.5 million tons to 9 million tons per year. Our technological solutions were recognized in other countries. For example, a team of specialists from an Australian company once came to visit us. Our factory overtook theirs in terms of production efficiency: we reduced downtime to 868 hours, while the Australians' figure was 917 hours. Foreign colleagues came to us to see how we did it, adopt the technology and implement it at their enterprise.

-You have achieved great success in your work. Is that why you decided to start your own company?

- That's right. During the years of industry practice I learned to think out-of-the-box and at some point I realized that I bumped my head against a glass ceiling Tugnuyskaya factory. Then I decided that it was worthwhile to start transferring my experience to other enterprises. I dedicated myself fully to what is known as troubleshooting, solving non-standard problems.

TAPP Group opened in 2012. I tried to recruit specialists from my previous working environments - colleagues, contractors. They were mostly people with a similar attutide to mine.

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Our Mission
To build efficient processing facilities for the good of the People, Country and Planet.
Our values remain the same! They determine our goals and how we achieve them. Our values do not limit us to standardization, but push us to broaden our possibilities and never settle.

  • Integrity and openness, we believe that strength lies in truth!
  • Commitment, we are not afraid to take responsibility for our decisions.
  • Improvement, we are committed to achieving our goal and are constantly improving our solutions, technology and knowledge.
  • Unity, TAPP Group is not just another company. We and our clients are a team, we help each other achieve goals and strive to build a better world

We take pride in what we do for our clients and the industry!

Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.
We solve your production problem and achieve your process targets, beyond a simple sales transaction.

1. We determine your current production indicators.
2. We estimate and identify the equipment you need. If necessary, we come to your production site.
3. We prepare a commercial proposal or documentation for bid competition.
4. We manufacture the equipment and deliver it to the production site.
5. We install or supervise the installation, guaranteeing quality for up to 5 years.
6. We daily monitor equipment performance and do scheduled maintenance visits

Dmitry Lokhov
3 own warehouses
Spare parts are available for service, operational repairs and warranty cases.

Our equipment is used by

Our company's life


Our goal: To build efficient processing facilities for the good of the People, Country and Planet