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Wear-resistant valves

Valves and fittings

Gate valves

Last up to 9 times longer
TAPP Group manufactures high-strength cast iron gate valves for abrasive media.

With Service life 4-9 times longer than other manufacturers' shut-off valves.

Their unique design, light weight, easy operation and high shutting and opening speeds make them a welcome piece of equipment for any beneficiation plant.
It is also possible to design and manufacture non-standard gate valves based customer requirements.

TAPP Group engineers have developed the IRONGATE gate valve, made of unique, abrasion resistant material. Its use has made it possible to create flow control valves with extended service life. The IRONGATE lasts up to 9 times longer than a typical stainless steel gate. Such systems allow clients instead of keeping a zoo of flow control valves use just one type of gate valves for different operating conditions.

Gate valves are made of high-strength cast iron or stainless steel. The body of the valve is protected by a wear-resistant ceramic insert that significantly improves impact resistance and overcomes brittleness problems of standard engineering ceramics.
For feed coarsenesses of 50 mm and larger, we install a metal ceramic guard, which allows the impact to be dispersed throughout the sleeve and keeps the ceramics intact.
To avoid wear on the stem, we cover it with a bellows, this ensures uniform lubrication and avoids contamination.
We manufacture flow control gate valves with manual, pneumatic, electric, hydraulic actuators, etc. The valve can be equipped with a positioner. It is designed to remotely adjust the gate valve opening percentage.
At Severstal, an IRONGATE valve and a removable sleeve made of the same material lasts 9 times longer than Swiss-made counterparts. The coarseness of the pumped material amounts up to 110 mm.

Our IRONGATE valves are designed for flow control applications

TAPP Group manufactures high-strength cast iron gate valves. Their unique design, light weight, easy operation and high shutting and opening speeds make them a welcome piece of equipment for any beneficiation plant. It is also possible to design and manufacture non-standard gate valves based customer requirements.
The thickness of the valve seat and the gate itself with doubles flanges and bolt joints is 10% more than of similar products;
Additional IRONGATE valve protection is perfect for flow control, it can be fitted to any gate valve

Replaceable body protection made of wear-resistant CUMI ceramic.
Valve body protection can be made in polyurethane;
The body seat provides wear resistance due to special heat treatment;
Anti-corrosion treatment of the casing both inside and outside to protect it against corrosion;
Principle of actuation
With manual feed adjustment:
They are used in positions where manual feed adjustment is required and pose a great alternative to automatic feeders.

With automatic feed adjustment:
Automatic adjustment can be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically actuated.

It is possible to install a positioner to regulate the flow by controlling the closing/opening level of the gate valve.
Износостойкая запорная арматура

Valves and fittings catalogue

Gate valve

P - Pneumatic actuator, stainless steel gate valve, without positioner;
PP - Pneumatic actuator, stainless steel gate valve, with positioner;
PS - Pneumatic actuator, IRONGATE, without positioner;
PSP - Pneumatic actuator, IRONGATE, with positioner.

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm
Electrically operated gate valves

The electric gate valve is equipped with a torque sensor. It is designed to prevent the engine from burning out if a piece of material gets in when the valve closes.

E - Electric actuator, stainless steel gate valve, without positioner;
EP - Electric actuator, stainless steel gate valve with positioner;
ES - Electric actuator, IRONGATE valve, without positioner;
ESP - Electric actuator, IRONGATE, with positioner.

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm
Manually actuated gate valves

M - Manual actuation, stainless steel gate valve;
MS - Manual actuation, IRONGATE valve.

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm
Gate valves with
manual gear drive

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm

Gate valves
with hydraulic actuation

G - Hydraulic actuator;
GS - Hydraulic actuator with IRONGATE.

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm
Pneumatic throttle
with a positioner

D671X - pneumatically actuated throttle.

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm

Throttle valve
with an electrical actuator

D971X - Electrically actuated throttle

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm
Gate valve
pneumatically actuated

For environments with a solid content of up to 100 g/liter, replaceable polyurethane protection is installed.

PPoli - Gate valve with polyurethane body protection, pneumatic actuator.

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm
Manual butterfly valve
Butterfly valves are designed for pumping treated water with solid content up to 40 g/liter.

Butterfly valves have simple construction, good sealing, but high flow resistance.

Lining is available to extend the service life of the unit.

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm
Manual flanged double-leaf valve

D41X - Manual flanged double-leaf valve

Working pressure: Up to 10 bar

Diameter: From 50 to 1800 mm

  • Design
    Simple and reliable design of gate valves from TAPP Group simplifies installation and operation
  • Leak-proof
    High degree of integrity even when operating in aggressive and chemically active media
  • Service life
    Robust design and purposed materials ensure a long service life
  • Versatility
    Gate valves can be used in any industry
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.