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Unrivaled protection of equipment against all types of wear and tear
We manufacture liners of any complexity to order.
On our catalog web-page you will find a wide range of liners designed to increase wear resistance and durability of your equipment.
Lining materials from TAPP-GROUP are of high quality, resistant to abrasion and last up to 7 times longer.
Poly-tapp slime (PTS) liners are specifically designed to solve problems associated with material sticking and freezing, abrasion and impact wear
EWP linings increase the repair-free operation of the equipment by 5-7 times, reduce repair costs and downtime hours and increase productivity of your mill.
Rubber-ceramic lining is an innovative solution that combines positive features of rubber and ceramic. It provides excellent wear and shock protection, extending the life of drums and rollers.
Abrasion resistant rubber is a versatile material that can be used in a wide variety of industries. It is highly durable and resistant to mechanical damage, making it an ideal choice for lining equipment.
In most businesses, continuous improvement has become a new reality. Every year plants are rebuilt, something inside has to change, new processing technologies take their rightful place but to no avail. We like to act big, but only a handful of people know that perfection is made up of the little things. The use of quality lining materials is the solution against sticking/freezing problems, rapid wear and tear, and constant downtime for cleaning and replacing liners.

TAPP Group provides quality wear-resistant linings for mining and processing, general mining, construction, agricultural and other industries throughout Russia. We manufacture, supply and install rubber, polyurethane, bimetallic, polyethylene and other lining materials. Each product is selected individually, based on client's factory specifications which allows us to effectively and profitably solve their problems and improve overall business performance.

TAPP Group's liners are of high quality, abrasion, chemical, and thermally resistant. They have good resistance to electricity, sunlight, tearing and abrasion, and last up to 7 times longer than analogues.

We do not just sell liners, we provide efficient engineering solutions to your problems.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.