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The Banana screen
Increasing Enterprise Productivity

More value in a similar size
The client approached us with a need to increase capacity and replace worn out vibrating screens that had been in use for 4.5 years, but as a result had to undergo numerous repairs due to wear and tear on the metal and major parts of the structure.

We made calculations and replaced the outdated equipment with a BANANA type screen, which matched the existing dimensions but had a larger screening surface area than the previous units.

Such solution helped us to reach output growth from 200-230 tons per hour to 320-350 tons per hour.

Our client's experts noted a significant improvement in productivity and process efficiency.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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