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spare parts

TAPP Screens baskets

Baskets for vibratory and screw centrifuges

Lead time for spare parts and their quality is of paramount importance for any business, because thousands of tons of concentrate is lost due to equipment downtime, which translates to millions of rubles a year.

To avoid lost profits and to increase productivity and efficiency a business must take care the quality of the spare parts they use to ensure better end product, reducing downtime hours for preventive maintenance, avoiding emergency shutdowns and reducing the cost of enrichment.

TAPP Screens baskets last longer due to a patented design that provides high dewatering efficiency, deformation resistance and ease of installation and removal. For example, at Matyushinskaya mine, the service life of our screen baskets amounted to 5 months, while other manufacturer's units ran for no more than 1-2 months. The use of chromium-manganese-nickel complex-alloyed austenitic steels combined with a specially selected spalt profile provides industry record wear resistance. TAPP Screens baskets provide maximum dewatering of materials with different structures and viscosities.
We manufacture baskets based on your production specs, allowing us to achieve best performance.
Корзины для вибрационных и шнековых центрифуг
Корзины для вибрационных и шнековых центрифуг
For example, we supply our customers’ enterprises with baskets for vibratory centrifuges WRSL, HSG (for Tema brand centrifuges, model HSG) and screw centrifuges ARML, H (for CMI brand centrifuges, model EBW).
Basket Materials:
TAPP Standard series baskets
Stainless steel is made of a combination of components, the main ones being chromium and nickel. In quality steels, the chromium content is more than 10%, it helps to generate a a chromium oxide layer on the surface, which turns the steel into a corrosion free material.
TAPP Chromium series basket
Its wear life is 2.5 times higher than that of a stainless steel basket.
TAPP 10HF Series Basket
Its wear life is 7 times higher than that of TAPP Screens.
Baskets Reviews
Sergey Simonov, Head Mechanic of Krasnogorskaya CPP
10 HF High strength materials

The 10HF series materials are wear-resistant centrifuge screens, baskets and screw conveyors that last 4-7 times longer than our standard parts. The use of these consumables can significantly reduce planned maintenance downtime. The sieves and baskets of the 10 HF series have a 2 months inter-repair period, after which it is required to simply check the lubrication of the main components and put it back to work. 10 HF Series materials will eliminate emergency downtime and reduce maintenance costs.
For example, at Krasnogorskaya plant the basket serves for 22 months, vs other manufacturers' baskets that lasted no more than 1.5 months.
Years of practice have proven that producing high quality baskets is critical. Our baskets are made of stainless wire, which is characterized by good wear resistance and ductility and made by a special welding process. This guarantees an increased running time and a high dewatering capacity.

Our company is an international market leader in this field.

Baskets for screw centrifuges

Baskets for vibrating centrifuges

Consignment warehouse of TAPP Group

We know how important it is to be able to service equipment on time and reduce lead time of spares to the plant. Our company offers various trading terms and supply options of spare parts and consumables. We will deliver all products you need to our warehouse and provide the necessary storage conditions, thus ensuring the shortest delivery time.`

We also offer the possibility of opening a consignment stock on your premises.

Remember, perfection is achieved by means of little details!
Feedback from LLC Razrez Berezovsky

Benefitws of TAPP Screens Basket

  • Effective dewatering
  • High service life
  • Resistance to deformation
  • Easy assembly/disassembly
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
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4 hours for PPR.