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Mill liners

Wear-resistant rubber Brown 40S

Abrasion resistant protective rubber Brown 40S (Shore hardness 40±5) is a soft sheet rubber made of high quality natural material. It demonstrates unmatched resistance to highly abrasive and fine-grained materials. Most commonly used as protection against small, sharp particles, e.g. sand, fine crushed stone. Brown 40S rubber protects surfaces in both dry and wet environments. It has high elasticity and self-cleaning effect, reduces noise level.

The rubber is provided with a BL (CN) contact layer. Thanks to this layer, no special preparation is required for perfect bonding.

Applications: surface protection, liners for pumps, centrifuges, chutes, pipes, sandblasting chambers, hoppers, drums; loader bucket linings for clay and sticky rock; street sweeping equipment, sealed joints, noise reducing linings, soft casings for rollers.

Dimensions of rubber sheet in roll: width 2000 mm, length 10000 mm. Sheets with thickness from 3 to 12 mm are offered.
Please note that wear-resistant rubber is sold exclusively in rolls. For each material thickness there is a minimum order quantity.
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