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Construction of enrichment plants

Turnkey design and construction of enrichment plants

TAPP Group provides comprehensive design and construction of enrichment plants. We carefully consider all the specifics of your feedstock for processing, the geographical location and necessary performance and material requirements.

We combine powerful engineering tools, hands-on experience having worked in numerous enrichment plants, innovative technologies and a pioneering approach to design. Thus we maximize production performance.

Our engineers produce designs to ensure the most efficient maintenance capabilities, which allows us to optimize routine maintenance to the level of Australian plants, ensuring that shutdowns are no more frequent than once a month for only 24 hours.

In our design work we stem from the need to eliminate circulating loads on the plant. Ensuring that all feedstock descends in stages, separating into enrichment products. We also use methods that help reduce dusting, weathering and wetting of the material and eliminate spillage.

Such design principle ensures high end product quality, stable operation and required plant performance.
Construction engineering is a comprehensive process that begins with analyzing data and identifying potential opportunities, and ends with putting the building into operation. It relies heavily on modern technologies and efficient resource management, requires compliance with sustainable principles and safety requirements.

The main objective of engineering is to optimize costs, accelerate construction time and increase return on investment. It can be achieved by applying engineering principles and integrated solutions that help reduce risks and minimize negative impact on the environment and human health.

Our company takes an engineering approach to its projects providing customers with comprehensive solutions that accelerate construction, reduce costs and mitigate risk.
VR project of the enrichment plant
Examples of realized projects
Capacity: 34 mln tons per year
Capacity: 31 mln tons per year
Capacity: 30 mln tons per year
Capacity: 16 mln tons per year
We understand the needs and requirements of our clients, and are ready to offer a customized solution for each project.

Our team can handle the entire work process - from idea to commissioning - and ensure quality control at every stage.

We also provide a full range of services including design, construction, installation, shipping and maintenance.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
For inquiries, you can contact us via WhatsApp at the phone number below or send us an email.
Phone (WhatsApp): +7 (910) 320 27 52
Email: info@tapp-group.ru
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
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