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Mill liners

EWP liner

EWP is a bi-metal liner that is clad to surface using patented technology
№ 2689272 TAPP Group.
bimetal liner

EWP liner

Unrivaled protection of equipment against all types of wear and tear
Businesses often face the problem of low running life of lining materials, resulting not just in frequent downtime and excessive use of manual labor, but also high costs.

For example, standard bi-metal liners at our clients' plants last from 1 to 2 months, meaning it has to be replaced 6-12 times a year, consuming much of their precious time. And then, there is a procurement process that comes with paperwork, you need to find hands to replace it, and halt your production, losing tons of product in the process.

The EWP liner from the TAPP Group last 5 times longer on abrasion and up to 16 times longer at the point of impact than standard materials!

EWP liner (Effective Wear Protection) is a bimetal liner applied using a patented electro-arc hard-facing technology.

A wear-resistant layer containing chromium carbides is smelted on a mild steel base sheet.

The cladding head smelts the wear layer, supported by a magnetic system that moves at a distance from it, creating a magnetic field with lines of force perpendicular to the clad surface. The magnetic field is applied to the area of the metal sheet at a temperature to ensure carbide crystallization.

Exposure to a magnetic field causes the needle-like carbide crystals to grow along the lines of force and makes them line up perpendicular to the sheet surface. This increases the hardness of the clad layer and its wear resistance.
The process allows clad layer to achieve hardness of 60-65 HRC.
A method for applying an electric arc cladding wear layer was created in 2018 by TAPP Group
The quality of the lining is determined by the quality of the surfacing materials and the surfacing technology. It is important to strictly observe the temperature regime. Low temperature will not provide the necessary adhesion of the clad layer to the carrier layer, and overheating will destroy carbides, which in turn compromises the performance properties of the finished product.
The EWP liner will protect your machine from the following types of wear and tear:
  • Chemical damage
  • Adhesive wear
  • Thermal wear
  • Cavitation wear
  • Impact
  • Abrasive
We manufacture liners of any complexity to order.

Our company manufactures liners for pipes, hoppers, machines, screening surfaces, baskets, auger, etc.

Our linersincrease maintenance-free life span of your machines by 5-7 times, reduce repair costs and downtime hours, enhance productivity and reduce time for lining installation.
EWP liners ensure the following gains:
Equipment protection from any type of abrasion
Significant service life improvements due to better wear resistance
Reduced production losses due to longer inter-repair service life of equipment
Less weight of the liners by up to 50%
Reduced costs for specialized repair crews
Smaller operating costs for equipment maintenance and, as a result, lower production costs
Easy installation process
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.