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Explosion-proof electric motors

We supply, install and service explosion-proof motors
An explosion-proof motor is a device that drives electrical equipment under conditions in which an explosion may occur. It has a special design that protects it from high temperatures, pressure and other factors that could lead to an explosion.

One of the main advantages of explosion-proof motors is their safety. They protect people and equipment from possible damage and injury, and prevent possibles fires and explosive forces. In addition, explosion-proof motors are reliable and durable. They can last for long periods of time without the need for repair or replacement. They are perfect for industries where reliability and safety is a must.

Explosion-proof electrical equipment supplied by our company meets standards that determine its safety and reliability. They are resistant to external factors such as vibration, shock, temperature and humidity variations. They also have a high degree of protection against water and dust.

Advantages of explosion-proof motors from TAPP Group:

  • 1
    High degree of protection against dust and water.
    Our electric motors are protected from dust and moisture to avoid damage and failure.
  • 2
    We use special materials for the motor housing.
    The housing is made of materials that do not corrode or deteriorate when exposed to high temperatures.
  • 3
    Special seals on the motor housing ensure its tightness.
    This is to prevent dust and moisture from entering the moving parts.
  • 4
    We use special materials for winding.
    These materials should have high temperature and chemical resistance.
  • 5
    Special cooling systems
    Special cooling systems ensure efficient heat dissipation from the electric motor. This is to prevent overheating and motor failure.
When selecting explosion-proof motors, it is necessary to consider their power, speed, voltage, frequency as well as the type of load. In addition, operating conditions such as temperature, humidity and pressure must be considered.
YBUD series three-phase explosion-proof asynchronous motor for a heading machine
Power: 75KW~355KW
Number of pole pairs: 4P/8P
Current Voltage : 380V~3300V
Current frequency: 50Hz~60Hz
Insulation class : H
Protection class : IP54~IP67
Installation method : IMB5
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : water cooling
YBC series three-phase explosion-proof asynchronous motor for coal miner
Power : 55KW~900KW
Number of pole pairs : 4P
Current Voltage : 380V~3300V
Current frequency : 50Hz~60Hz
Insulation class : H
Protection class : IP54~IP67
Installation method : IMB5
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : water cooling
YBS series three-phase explosion-proof asynchronous motor for conveyors
Power : 4KW~355KW
Number of pole pairs : 4P
Current Voltage : 380V~3300V
Current frequency : 50Hz~60Hz
Insulation class : H
Protection class : IP54~IP67
Installation method : IMB3, IMB5, IMB35
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : IC411
YBSD series three-phase explosion-proof asynchronous motor for conveyors
Power : 55KW~1000KW
Number of pole pairs : 4P/8P
Current Voltage : 380V~3300V
Current frequency : 50Hz~60Hz
Insulation class : H
Protection class : IP54~IP67
Installation method : IMB5
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : water cooling
Three-phase high-pressure induction motor YKK series
Power : 185KW~3000KW
Number of pole pairs : 2P~12P
Current Voltage : 3000V~10000V
Current frequency : 50Hz~60Hz
Insulation class : F, H
Protection class : IP54~IP55
Installation method : IMB3
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : IC411
LY series three-phase asynchronous motor for thermal furnaces
Power : 1.5KW~355KW
Number of pole pairs : 2P/8P
Current Voltage : 380V~1140V
Current frequency : 50Hz~60Hz
Insulation class : F, H
Protection class : IP54~IP67
Installation method : IMB5, IMV1
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : water cooling
YBF2 series three-phase explosion-proof asynchronous motor for industrial fan
Power : 11KW~710KW
Number of pole pairs : 2P~10P
Current Voltage : 380V~1140V
Current frequency : 50Hz
Insulation class : F, H
Protection class : IP55
Installation method : IMB3
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : IC411
YB2 series three-phase explosion-proof asynchronous high-pressure motor
Power : 160KW~3000KW
Number of pole pairs : 2P~10P
Current Voltage : 3000V~10000V
Current frequency : 50Hz
Insulation class : F, H
Protection class : IP55
Installation method : IMB3, IMB35
Method of operation: S1
Cooling method : IC416
Explosion-proof electric motors ensure safe and reliable equipment operation in hazardous conditions, reduce the risk of accidents and increase production efficiency.

To calculate the cost and find out the terms to produce explosion-proof motors, please contact us by phone +7 (4722) 23-28-39 or by e-mail info@tapp-group.ru.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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