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Flip-Flop screen delivery
There are no unsolvable problems for TAPP Group, we care about our customers and will do everything in our power to solve their issues.
Our company has supplied Flip-Flop screen with two decks, with a movable lower deck. The equipment was delivered to the Tugnuyskaya Concentrator, the largest plant in Russia, a part of SUEK Group. One Flip-Flop screen was already installed there in 2019, and in one year of operation with loads ranging from 1200 t/h to 2300 t/h, only 6 screens out of 140 were replaced, the delivery and installation were perforfmed on time. But the new supply might not have gone so smoothly.
COVID-19 had its impact not only on people, but also businesses. Border closures hit vendors and their customers hard. Cargo stuck at the borders did not just mean lost time but also but also lost profits for customers and suppliers alike. Such situations entail factory downtime and, as a consequence, a reduction in processed volumes.
Back then, in China, rail transportation was the only option for cargo delivery. But our equipemnt often exceeded the size of rail platforms and could only be transported by road. It would seem that it was a dead-end, but we take a responsible approach to our business and we do not let events such as this stop us. We contacted the Beijing government and agreed to open a customs office in Manchuria exclusively for TAPP Group. As an outcome, the shipment was delivered by truck on time.

There are no unsolvable problems for TAPP Group, we care about our customers and will do everything in our power to solve their issues.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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