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HPY TAPP Cone Crusher

TAPP HPY series multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher is a new type of cone crusher developed by our company utilizing advanced European technologies. Cone crusher is characterized by low energy consumption and high crushing force. The equipment is reliable, has a high output, high degree of automation, easy operation and maintenance.

Capacity: 60 - 1220 t/h
Maximum inlet size: 20 mm - 355 mm
Materials: pebbles, gravel, granite, basalt, quartz, diabase, iron ore, slag, etc.
Used in: metallurgy, coal mining, gold mining, general mining, road and railroad construction, wharf construction, chemical industry, etc.

Unique design

The unique design of the TAPP HPY series crusher is engineered in a modern software solution. We guarantee increased throughput by pre-compressing the hydraulic cylinder to increase material discharge with low energy consumption. This provides both increased throughput and obtaining the exact end product. The crushing process is constant, which ensures high stability of material discharge, higher productivity and better end product quality with high crushing ratio.
Конструкция высокочастотного грохота
Конструкция высокочастотного грохота


Control system automation regulates the feeding process, preventing overloading. The crusher combines precise engineering analysis tools and advanced overseas technology. We have created equipment that allows us to reduce operating costs, plant downtime for maintenance, and eliminate emergency shutdowns.
We increased the number of loops of the motor winding and the diving rope wire diameter, and added an anti-twist device to the impeller.


The motor has self-circulating water cooling, its interior is coated with high quality anti-corrosion enamel, and the protective filter uses stainless steel material, which enhances corrosion resistance of the motor.
Конструкция высокочастотного грохота
Technical parameters
Open Technologies Ltd.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.