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Hydrocyclones and hydrocyclone units

A hydrocyclone (from the ancient Greek for rotating water) is a device typically used to desliming, thickening and classifying solids in a liquid medium or liquid solution (slurry).

TAPP Group manufactures a full range of hydrocyclones.
We manufacture high quality equipment using durable materials and advanced technology. The engineering approach to hydrocyclone manufacturing has resulted in high performance, efficiency, durability and low operating costs.

All equipment supplied by our company undergoes a multi-stage quality check, which allows us to exclude defects in the unit at the design stage.

The wide range of wear-resistant materials used will ensure a long service life even in the harshest environments.

Hydrocyclone classifying units are used for beneficiation and classification of slurry from 1mm to 50mm. The equipment is also used for desliming, sludge thickening and clarification of recycled water.

Hydrocyclones are equipped with abrasive ceramics, which significantly enhance equipment service life.

Heavy-medium hydrocyclones

Tapp Group's hydrocyclones are uniquely designed and customized for each plant to ensure high performance, efficiency and durability.

Our equipment has a specially designed involute inlet profile, which forms a spiral type of feed that ensures higher productivity. This allows the particles to move in the inlet section along their natural trajectory - a downward spiral. It also creates low flow turbulence and consequently a low inlet pressure drop. Hydrocyclones are characterized by low internal disturbance, minimal vortex flow and wear, resulting in our cyclones having high separation limit, sorting efficiency and throughput.

TAPP Group hydrocyclones are manufactured from high strength stainless steel. It is characterized by increased wear and corrosion resistance. Due to its strength, this type of steel is used for railroads, bridges, all types of construction equipment, various metal components carrying static loads.
The structural properties of Tapp Group Hydrocyclones ensure integrity, smooth inner surface without stepped joints, which leads to the absence of vortices and contributes to the effective separation process.

TappGroup's heavy media hydrocyclones are lined with highly wear-resistant CUMI alumina ceramics, resulting in long service life and exceptional performance. Aluminum oxide tiles for hydrocyclones have a specially designed configuration, which results in a tight fit between them, eliminates premature wear of the lining at joints and, as a result, ensures maximum flow smoothness and a long service life of the lining.

Tapp Group 's heavy media cyclones are ideal for difficult-to-enrich coal categories where maximum separation accuracy is required.

Heavy-medium hydrocyclones models

The equipment is designed to suit individual characteristics of each plant

Thickening hydrocyclones

They are used for beneficiation and classification of pulp from 1mm to 50mm. The equipment is also used for desliming, sludge thickening and clarification of recycled water.

TAPP Group Hydrocyclones are manufactured from high strength stainless steel. It is characterized by increased wear and corrosion resistance. Due to its strength, this type of steel is used for railroads, bridges, all types of construction equipment, various metal components carrying static loads.

Thickening hydrocyclones are lined with highly wear-resistant CUMI alumina ceramics, resulting in long service life and exceptional performance. Aluminum oxide tiles for hydrocyclones have a specially designed configuration, which results in a tight fit between them, eliminates premature wear of the lining at joints and, as a result, ensures maximum flow smoothness and a long service life of the lining.

Hydrocyclones with abrasive ceramics

The equipment is designed to suit individual characteristics of each plant

Hydrocyclone blocks

To achieve a high degree of classification with bigger processing volumes hydrocyclones are combined into groups, so-called "blocks". A hydrocyclone block is a set of hydrocyclones (multihydrocyclones) and is designed to separate pulp or suspensions under centrifugal forces into heavy and light fractions in mining, coal, chemical and other industries.

A hydrocyclone block contains a frame mounted on a support, a feed chamber, a drain and sand collectors, as well as hydrocyclones fixed on the frame, the bodies of which have inlet nozzles communicated with the feed chamber, drain nozzles communicated with the drain collector, and sand nozzles communicated with the sand collector. The delivery set of hydrocyclone block (on customer's request) may include shut-off valves providing additional possibilities for process control.

Advantages of TAPP Group hydrocyclones

They can operate with denser slurries
Better separation of the feed and higher productivity
Low cost and ease of operation
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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