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Case: installation of a horizontal screen in 60 hours

Case: installation of a horizontal screen in 60 hours
The customer requested to dismantle his previous GIST 72 m screen while preserving the metal structures, followed by installation of the PRIME 2461 screen from TAPP Group.

Our specialists dismantled the GIST 72m screen, literally bolt by bolt to take it outside the enclosure. Then the new PRIME 2461 screen was assembled and installed under the same constrained conditions. It involved dismantling and redesigning the screen discharge box. A new loading box was also put in place to match new screen's operating conditions.

All installation works were completed within 2.5 days in compliance with safety requirements. The client was completely satisfied with the work performed, no reclamations were received.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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