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Leave everything to us


In order to perform installation works mining companies have to draw a lot of stretched resources. Just mounting one piece of equipment requires not only monetary expenses, but also time resources and manpower, which is not always feasible due to the lack of qualified personnel, the need to achieve the established plans in a short period of time and many other reasons. There are other nuances, for example, poor qualification of installation personnel can lead to failure or defected runs of purchased equipment due to errors in the installation process. If it happens, production would have to be shut down again to correct the situation, losing thousands of tons of concentrate.

TAPP Group provides installation and commissioning services with and options for subsequent maintenance.

We can organize and carry out a range of dismantling, assembly, installation and tie-in works. We can carry out company's audit, do a design, preparatory work, installation, assembly of piping, electrical equipment, automation work, programming, commissioning, maintenance and repair. We can prepare technical documentation, predictive and preventive maintenance activities, PEP and steel structures calculations.
Our resources
  • 1
    Our engineering department can step in at the design stage and optimize your experts work, avoiding issues that may arise during installation
  • 2
    Company audit
    Our experts audit client's operations in order to fully investigate the existing problems, analyze upcoming project activities and come up with the most effective solutions for installation services.
  • 3
    Extensive knowledge base
    Our company has developed proprietary training courses for our specialists, aimed at teaching not only a theoretical foundation, but also at immersing them in production processes. We managed to realize this with the help of VR, where every employee can gain valuable hands-on experience.
Our specialists have an extensive experience in the field, applying engineering thinking to every problem helps to overcome any non-conventional issues, for example, when installing complex equipment, or operating in a limited space, or trying to deliver projects in the shortest possible time, automating production processes, etc.

We use modern and high-quality equipment, which allows our experts to deliver quality with maximum precision.

Installation services from TAPP Group

We provide installation services for equipment, vessels, silos, tanks, reservoirs, pipelines, etc. And we can execute projects on a turnkey basis irrespective of their complexity.
  • 1
    Design work
  • 2
    Construction and installation
  • 3
  • 4
    Installation of process equipment
  • 5
    Piping assembly
  • 6
    Welding and insulation work
  • 7
    Anticorrosion treatment
  • 8
  • 9
    Development of work performance and construction plans
  • 10
    Metalwork calculations, etc.

Installation of process equipment

We provide a range of services for installation of process equipment, which includes assembly, installation, piping, connection and commissioning.

Installation of process equipment is a complex activity that requires an engineering approach and high precision every step of the way. Any deviations or slips in the project implementation may lead to expedited failures, faulty equipment runs, which will entail a number of consequences, such as low-quality output, additional financial costs, etc.

Our experts apply an end-to-end comprehensive approach from design to commissioning. Specialist in the company attend trainings and advanced learning sessions on a regular basis, which contributes high quality execution in shortest possible time. Quality management system complies with ISO 9001.
Our benefits
  • 1
    We can execute projects on a turnkey basis irrespective of their complexity;
  • 2
    We employ highly qualified experts with engineering degrees and extensive hands-on experience;
  • 3
    High performance quality;
  • 4
    Guarantee on all performed works;
  • 5
    Free Comapny Audit;
  • 6
    Our geography extends all over Russia and CIS
Our projects

In June 2019, when assembling screens 4mx8m, at SUEK-Khakassia, Chernogorsk, our installation team, under the direction of Yuri Prokhorov, assembled the screen at the mark in 48 hours. Prior to this, Australian counterparts assembled their equipment in 84 hours and Chinese - in 72 hours.

In May 2019 at Severstal's Plant, Vorkuta Ugol, we installed a 3mx6.1m Banana screen in 50 minutes. The overall mounting of the screen with tie-ins and connections took 32 hours. The previous screen was assembled by Americans from Conn Weld for 7 days at the same technological position.
Vorkutinskaya Concentrator

TAPP Group specialists installed a Flip-Flop ARBFDS-2461 screen at Vorkutinskaya Concentrator. Due to the structural nature of the building, delivery and installation of the screen assembly was not possible and the screen was assembled at the mark. Assembling the screen took 12 hours - 1 work shift.
EVRAZ's Abashevskaya CPP

At the Abashevskaya Central Processing Plant our employees installed a high-frequency screen ARHF-1836. The installation/dismantling work was carried out within 3 days. A monorail was installed to remove existing equipment and service the ARHF-1836 screen from TAPP Group.
Pechorskaya CPP

At the Pechorskaya Central Processing Plant an ARBD 3061 screen of the Banana type was installed. Due to the structural nature of the building, delivery and installation of the screen assembly was not possible, and the screen was assembled at the mark in an operating plant.
Pechorskaya CPP

At the Pechorskaya Central Processing Plant our specialists installed six units of equipment - ARVF 1830 vibrating feeders together with the control cabinet. Installation of the equipment was carried out in an operating enterprise.
Pechorskaya CPP

TAPP Group installed lining of four PBC-134 coal receiving hoppers under the railcar tippers. Hoppers are 12 m tall and the grate size is 400x400 mm. It took 20 days to perform the necessary revamping. The installation was carried out in the far north, when the ambient temperature reached -35 - - 40C
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.