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Replacement of worn-out screens at Yakutugol

Yakutugol previously used screens from another manufacturer to dewater the material and wash it from magnetite. However, these screens had high wear and tear and often required repairs because of the failure of supporting beams and metal structures, and the sieves only lasted 3 months. The client decided to replace worn-out screens.

In order to get a screen meeting their individual requirements, representatives of Yakutugol contacted TAPP Group. We designed and manufactured a Laund screen, which met all the necessary requirements for coal production, and was the first of its kind in Russia. We designed the screen to match the size of the existing footprint to eliminate heavy construction work with the screening cascade of three sections. We were able to eliminate the need to expand the space for equipment and move metal structures: our screen fitted exactly in the German screen footprint The screen provides a moisture content at the outlet up to 12% and a capacity of at least 150 tons per hour. After 5 months of steady operations, no unforeseen failures or malfunctions have occurred. Scheduled maintenance is carried out according to the regulated periods. This significantly reduces equipment repair and maintenance costs and increases productivity.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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