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Mill liners

TRS MAXI 60lining rubber with large profile for drive drums

TRS MAXI 60 large profile lining rubber for drive drums, designed to improve friction between the drive drum and the conveyor belt. Prevents sticking, promotes straight line movement of the conveyor belt, displaces water and dirt through the surface grooves. Reduces sliding ratio, increases friction. Protects the drum from wear and corrosion.

Supplied with BL(CN) contact layer. Thanks to this layer, no special preparation is required for perfect bonding.

Profile: rhombus 82 mm × 46 mm. Groove between blocks: 11 mm, depth 8 mm. Thickness, 15 mm Width 2000 mm. Length 10 m.

Application: Drive pulleys with a diameter of 600 mm and more for heavy duty belt conveyors.
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
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