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Magnetic technology in mining

Magnetic technology in mining
Commentary by Dmitry Lokhov, CEO of TAPP Group
DC motors, generators, computer equipment, sensors, regulators, magnetic clamps and grippers, electric meters, machine tools, magnetic lenses, magnetic brakes, plasma containment systems, magnetic separators, couplings, flaw detectors - Dmitry Lokhov, General Director of TAPP Group, lists the equipment whose operation is based on the properties of magnets. And that list is not near of being exhaustive.
"Both sourcing and design of magnetic equipment for each ore type requires consideration of the type of magnetic separation, the beneficiation environment and the intensity of the magnetic field. The most significant parameters that determine which separator to choose are the magnetic susceptibility of the mineral to be recovered, the size of ore to be processed, and specific operating conditions of the separator.

Magnetic separators' performance is mainly determined by the following factors: ore size; magnetic susceptibility of the extracted particles and their content in ore; speed of ore movement through the separation zone; speed of separation products removal; pulp density in wet separation, as well as the feeding direction," explains Dmitry Lokhov.

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