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Equipment for enrichment plants

Production of non-standard equipment

Effective enrichment requires the use of specialized equipment, however, it is not always possible to find a ready-made solution that meets all needs and operating conditions. Non-standard equipment are machines and units that are not produced en masse, but are manufactured individually to match exact specifications and operating conditions of the client. They allow to optimize production process, increase productivity and reduce production costs.

One of our lines of business is the manufacturing of non-standard equipment, which allows us to increase enrichment plants performance and reduce production costs.

We manufacture custom designs such as:

- Screen baths;
- Transfer chute from one process position to another;
- Screen loading box;
- Centrifuge centrate wells;
- Sumps;
- Metal building structures;
- Frames for screens, centrifuges, arc sieves;
- Drive frames and more.

Manufacturing custom equipment has a number of advantages:

  • Flexible and adaptable to different operating conditions
    Non-standard products are designed to meet client's specific requirements making the process more lean and agile.
  • End product quality improvement
    Customized solutions are more accurate and efficient, resulting in higher quality end products.
  • Increased productivity
    A custom design can provide higher productivity by optimizing manufacturing processes and applying more efficient technologies. This can significantly reduce production time and improve product quality.
Lining materials play an important role in protecting equipment from mechanical damage, corrosion and wear. They protect equipment from high temperatures, aggressive media and mechanical loads. If the liner is incorrectly selected or missing, the substandard product causes a lot of problems for production and maintenance personnel. The plant begins to idle more for welding jobs and is often distracts personnel for repairs. We specialize in applying lining so that any custom product will last 7 years or more without re-lining or welding.

We manufacture a full range of equipment for beneficiation plants: storing and feeding bulk bunkers, vibrating screens, separators, centrifuges, sumps, feeders, lined discharge boxes, etc.

TAPP Group engineers will determine your current production figures, perform the necessary calculations to achieve required technical KPIs, will perform measurements and drawings of the production equipment and and plan metal structures required for installation.

Once the conditions are agreed, the equipment is put into production with subsequent installation and the possibility of maintenance by TAPP Group specialists.

To calculate the cost and determine the terms of non-standard equipment, contact us by phone +7 (4722) 23-28-39 or by e-mail info@tapp-group.ru.

Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
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4 hours for PPR.