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Poly-tapp slime at Pechorskaya Concentrator
Pechorskaya Concentrator, owned by Severstal, is an enterprise that has long sought an effective solution to the problem of feed sticking and freezing. Magnetic pulse caving methods, pneumatic pulse generators, complex heating schemes, and various liners have been tested with significant resources allocated to solve the problem. As a result, they found a solution that completely eliminated the problem of material sticking and freezing and reduced downtime by up to 50%.

TAPP Group installed lining of four PBC-134 coal receiving hoppers under the railcar tippers. Hoppers are 12 m tall and the grate size is 400x400 mm. It took 20 days to perform the necessary revamping. In one year of continuous use, the lining has no wear and tear and the problems of sticking and freezing have been eliminated.

This result was achieved with the Poly-tapp slime lining. It is an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene designed to solve problems associated with sticking, freezing, abrasion and impact wear. This material has been tested in the temperature range from -260 to +90 C° in several plants, with different operating conditions and feed properties.

Poly-tapp slime has a molecular mass of up to 10.8 million g/mol, and its molecules are long chains composed of more than 300,000 links. The atoms in this chain are joined together by a strong covalent bond. Due to the unique production technology and a unique gel in the composition, Poly-tapp slime liners have a low friction and a complete lack of adhesion to materials. This high molecular weight contributes to high resistance to abrasion and impact, as well as unrivaled resistance to weathering and chemical attack.
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