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Mill liners

Poly-tapp Slime
ultra-high molecular weight

Poly-tapp and Poly-tapp Slime liners
How often do you encounter a problem with material sticking or freezing?
Do you have trouble cleaning bunkers and explaining your staff how to do it?
Do you cleaning jobs have clear instruction? Have you ever thought that it will pass come winter or summer?
In addition to this, businesses face other challenges as well. For example, when processing certain materials that are abrasive, wet, fine, or adhesive, many companies face flow issues. Bunkers stick, liners wear out in a matter of hours, and in the far north, the problem of material freezing is acute. Seems like a small thing, but it accumulates idle hours, lowering the efficiency and productivity of the entire company!

When buildup, freeze-sticking or wear occurs, the material feed has to be stopped to correct the problem. Someone uses special equipment, which, by the way, does not always bring the expected result, others cope with improvised means, and someone, risking life and limb, climbs into the hopper and labors manually. In addition to the definite and undeniable risks, this procedure takes a lot of time, the feed doesn't go in, and the line idles!

Poly-tapp (Polyethylene) liners have an unrivaled combination of smoothness, strength and chemical resistance. It has an extremely high molecular weight which results in high wear resistance characteristics, polyethylene is very dense, elastic and responds well to mechanical fastening. It is ideal for preventing buildup in hoppers and tanks, resistant to aqueous salts, acids and alkalis, and highly resistant to chemical impact and physical damage.

Poly-tapp Slime is not an ordinary polyethylene, it is designed with different nuances in mind and performs well in numerous tests (factory tests at -260°C) at several plants with different operating conditions and feed properties. Working around the production process and by adding gel, we have succeeded in creating a new generation of lining material with minimal friction. Our production process ensures negligible adhesion between poly-tapp slime lining and the feed, which completely eliminates sticking and freezing. The use of this lining has saved our customers' plants from emergency shutdowns for cleaning. It upped the productivity and helped to avoid unreasonable use of company's own maintenance experts to troubleshoot bunker problems. In a year of operations there was no wear in the bunkers under the wagon tippers with a drop height of 12 meters and rock pieces sized 400*500 mm.
High molecular weight polyethylene has densities ranging from 7,000,000 mol/gram to 10,800,000 mol/gram. The size of a standard sheet is 1000 mm by 2000 mm, and the thickness ranges from 4 mm to 300 mm.
Lining thickness of 40 mm withstands impacts from 400 mm sized lumps dropping from a height of 12 meters in hoppers under the wagon tippers in the extreme North and allows the company to achieve its objectives without problems of material sticking in the bunkers.
Feedback on Poly-tapp slime lining
Eduard Galimov, Chief Engineer of Pechorskaya CPP
Benefits that you continue to use Poly-tapp and Poly-tapp Slime linings
High abrasion resistance
High impact resistance
Good chemical and corrosion resistance
Good machinability
Lowest friction
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
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8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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