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Radial thickener


Radial thickeners by TAPP Group

Innovative solutions for high standards
High-performance radial thickeners TAPPClean drain are designed to increase concentration of solids in the slurry, separate it into liquid and solid phases, and to clarify recycled water. This process is a result of solid particles sedimentation under gravitational or centrifugal forces. The radial thickener has not only sedimentation but also dewatering properties.

Our company's experts take into account individual characteristics of each company and their feed. We work out the design parameters of the thickener to ensure its efficiency and maximum settling rate. For each customer we select optimum radial thickener diameter, its working volume, the design of the inlet assembly and intake hopper, the angle of bottom inclination, we determine the drive torque and much more. It helps us to maximize the performance of the whole node, as well as ensure high sedimentation efficiency and density of the thickened product.

Radial thickeners are equipped with high-tech automated mechanisms, which helps factory specialists to control all processes and parameters, and perform maintenance.

They come with high quality parts, such as pumps, pipelines, shut-off valves for flow control, liners, etc., which ensures long service life of all components and smooth operation of the whole unit.
One of the features of our radial thickener is the unique well design.
Most modern feed wells have a tangential slurry feed, нour involute feed well is designed for better slurry distribution at the inlet.

If you require more detailed product information, please contact us by any convenient means.

Advantages of the radial thickener

  • 1
    Long service life
  • 2
    Full processes automation
  • 3
    High sedimentation rate
  • 4
    High structural strength
  • 5
    Process safety systems
  • 6
    Involute loading


The high-performance thickener is delivered to the customer unassembled. Our company experts will conduct an audit of your enterprise and, if necessary, will carry out turnkey installation works in the shortest possible time. No need for your own personnel to be involved. If needed, we can provide supervised installation services.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.