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Hydrocyclone Market:
a chance for Russian manufacturers

Hydrocyclone market: a chance for Russian manufacturers
Commentary by Dmitry Lokhov, CEO of TAPP Group
There are factories in China that produce good quality products, but reinventing the wheel making old mistakes is unacceptable. Russian production and machine building will not be able to recover quickly if we are constantly dependent on other countries. We are capable of and already produce equipment and solutions that surpass western and eastern counterparts. If we want to start manufacturing hydrocyclones of our own we need to address this issue in a multi-faceted manner.
I.e. they not only require a proper housing with perfect geometry, but also a protective coating. Hydrocyclones or Automated Pump-Hydrocyclone Units differ in quality in terms of operating hours, with longer periods achieved thanks to the lining, which can be ceramic, EWP, rubber, polyurethane, neoprene, silicon carbide, steel.

"That's why hydrocyclone manufacturers have to establish solid partnership with liner manufacturers, which there are even fewer in the country. Now, manufacturing plants are forced to bring the lining from China, where the quality can differ, and it is not clear how the chosen solution will show itself. Your Chinese counterpart might turn out to be a reliable partner, but it might not. Therefore, when deciding which hydrocyclone equipment manufacturers to choose, you might want to check who supplies their lining," explains Dmitry Lokhov.

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