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Spare parts

sieving surfaces for screens


How important is it to use quality consumables?
Neglecting quality in favor of savings oftentimes leads to longer downtime, accidents, inefficient manual labor, and lost profits due to unproduced product. All of this takes too much resources away from the company.

TAPP Group partners with the largest enrichment plants in the country. By using our screens, they managed to not only reduce downtime for scheduled maintenance, but also increased concentrate yields and, consequently, profits.
How was it possible?
A single sieve from TAPP Group can be removed in just 45 seconds and installed in 30 seconds. They are 5-7 times more durable than standard sieve surfaces. This significantly reduces equipment downtime hours, and increases concentrate yields.
We also manufacture sieves from abrasion resistant materials, allowing them to be used with highly abrasive media.
Taibinskaya CPP
For 11 months of operation our arc screen at the Taibinskaya CPP, had a wear of the screening surface that did not exceed 20%.
Chernogorskaya CPP
At Chernogorskaya Concentrator, sleeper sieves produced by our company lasted for 24 months, while stamped sieves with a mesh size of 80 mm wore out for just 1.5 mm! Polyurethane sieves that we supplied to other client's facilities last from 18 to 24 months.
Tugnuyskaya Concentrating Mill
At Tugnuyskaya Concentrating Mill only 6 screens were replaced during the whole year of operation.
Sieve material: Metal sieves; Rubber sieves; Polyurethane sieves; Stainless steel; EWP.

All screening surfaces meet the following requirements:

  • Efficient separation at a given design coarseness.
    The variety of shapes and types, as well as the high dimensional accuracy and taper of the sieve openings, ensures unobstructed passage of material under vibration conditions.
  • Maximum durability
    Our polymer and metal sieves use only high wear resistance materials and mechanically sound elements. Our dynamically active sieves made of polyurethane are characterized by elasticity and rigidity.
We manufacture a full range of fixed and active screening surfaces to suit your production needs.
Modular (spalt) stainless steel sieve with polyurethane edging
Perforated (stamped) stainless steel sieve with polyurethane edging
A Flip-flop screen
Highly efficient dewatering screen made of non-magnetic stainless steel in polyurethane edging
Double-sided discharge panel
Harp-shaped stainless steel sieve with polyurethane frame
String sieves
High efficiency arc sieve
Split polyurethane sieve
LONG SLOT polyurethane panels
EWP Sieve
Polyurethane liner (plug)
AURY manufactures a full range of fixed and active screening surfaces that can effectively solve any classification problem.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.