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Screen vibrating blocks repair

for all types and models of screens

Professional repair of vibrating blocks of all types and models

We specialize in providing professional vibration block repair and maintenance services for all models and types of screens.

Our team of experienced and qualified technicians possess the required knowledge and skills to effectively repair and maintain vibration blocks of different types and models. We resort to latest technologies and the use of original spare parts from leading manufacturers to ensure the longevity and quality performance of your equipment.
We provide complete maintenance services including diagnostics, disassembly, parts replacement, electronic system repair, component cleaning and lubrication, and equipment setup and calibration. We strive to reduce downtime, provide you with quality service, and minimize the possibility of repeated breakdowns.

In addition to repairs, we can also offer you a range of additional services, including training to handle vibration blocks and screens, advice on maintenance and the procurement of OEMs.

We are positive that our experience, competence and high level of service will make you happy and you will come again.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
You can contact us by filling in the feedback form
or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
10 times faster
4 hours for PPR.