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Screens market in Russia:
who got sieved and who stayed afloat?

The Russian screen market: who got sieved and who stayed afloat?
Commentary by Dmitry Lokhov, CEO of TAPP Group
...However, our experts insist that decent Chinese screens are already sold in the Russian market today. Dmitry Lokhov draws attention to AURY equipment. According to him, this brand takes about 70% of the market in China today. However, AURY screens are already well known in Russia, and our editorial team has seen the brand many times, and consumers speak well of the screens they purchased.
For example, Berezovskaya CPP uses mainly Russian screens to separate coal into fractions.
However, at the head of the process, the factory installed two Tapp Group units, since it was able to provide lower end product moisture.

"One thing is sure: there's more work for us. Our company today is not just a vendor and a construction firm, but we can step in to "reanimate" your old designs and improve projects abandoned by western engineering giants.
Mineral processing market has not abated with the departure of these companies, on the contrary, our businesses are tuning up their capacity, modernize, build and improve," explains Dmitry Lokhov.

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