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Spare parts

TAPP Sealing for conveyors

TAPP Sealing Boot for Conveyor sidewalls

Plant downtime, loss of precious tons of concentrate, inefficient manual labor, all of these things reduce the overall performance. You can ask yourself a simple question, what is needed at your factory to get rid of these problems and raise your production figures by large values.

Research has shown that 40% of studied companies use makeshift seals from used tape, while the remaining 60 do not use them at all. As a result, factories are idle for up to 100 hours a month just because of conveyors. Let us assume that a concentrator plant produces 1000 tons of concentrate per hour, and that downtime is 60 hours per month. It turns out that the company loses about 60,000 tons, and that's 720,000 tons per year!
The seals are designed to prevent material leakage as well as dust reduction. To ensure sealing contact of the makeshift rubber seals with the surface of the belt, an extensive weight application is required, which will lead to serious friction and, consequently, rapid abrasion, resulting in more downtime hours.

The conveyor belt is constantly moving, and its movement goes beyond the direction set by the drums. It bends to the left and right under the weight of the feed, such movements may result in belt wrapping under the pressure of makeshift seals and the material spills out. Not a problem, many will say, we can employ people to shovel the material back in place. Yes you can, but who will be doing their job while they are at it? It quickly turns into the problem of inefficient manual labor, you must agree that no enterprise can call itself innovative while they still task people to shovel material spills. It is not that critical, you will say. Or is it? Chaotic belt movements provoke small particles getting under the seals. Which creates unnecessary friction. Unfortunately, this not only leads to rapid belt abrasion, but also to fires. Because of the tight contact and extra friction, the surfaces heat up and flare up instantly. You will consider yourself lucky if your only consequences will be additional repair costs, increased factory downtime and defaulted contracts, but it could end up in a much more tragic way for the workers, resulting in a lockup for the entire management team.

Conveyor sidewalls seals, however small, play a huge role in a production company.

TAPP Group has developed a new generation of sidewall seals based on natural rubber - TAPP Sealing Boot. Our specialists paid attention to every detail.

Operating time of our sidewall seals is 12 600 m/h. Which is confirmed by the TAPP Sealing Boot Operational Results Certificate.

Main advantages of our sidewall seals:

  • 1
    No abrasion marks on the transportion belt.
    Standard seals have a corded base. They hook up transported material and abrade the belt. TAPP Sealing Boot has no cord!
  • 2
    Extended service life
    TAPP Sealing Boot is made of a specially developed natural compound, which allows us to increase the wear resistance of the sidewall seals. You get a reduction of inter-repair period of conveyor transport and optimized use of human resources thanks to that.
  • 3
    No "knockouts" and spillage
    Due to its design features, sidewalls will not be turning inside out, resulting in better coal flow, increased hours of continuous operation, and better performance of the overall process under higher loads.
  • 4
    No dusting
    Achieved by tighter fit and better adhesion to the transport belt.
  • 5
    No spillage from the conveyor belt
  • 6
    Guaranteed performance
  • 7
    By using new generation natural materials and design features, TAPP Sealing Boot eliminates ignition problems.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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