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TCS smart separator


TCS smart separator

Today, companies are facing a pressing issue of enriching small grades and ensuring consistent high productivity and efficiency. In order to achieve the required quality of the product, the mines are constantly looking for better solutions, but fail to identify something that will satisfy all their needs.
Тяжелосредный сепаратор Интеллектуальный сепаратор TCS

The TCS smart separator is designed with innovation in mind and is capable of increasing the yield of fine grade concentrate by 2-4%. Due its design features, it guarantees constant density and prevents mixing of coal and rock, which avoids the loss of precious concentrate and the introduction of rock into the finished product.

The separator design excludes valves. Instead there is a pipe to unload the waste. This process is driven by a pump, which ensures a constant density and prevents the coal from mixing with the rock. Effected by adjusting the pump rotation speed. The TCS separator has an impeller, it rotates and thus creates additional upward flow force.
TCS smart separator operating principle
Тяжелосредный сепаратор Интеллектуальный сепаратор TCS

By creating additional upward force, we reduce consumption of treated water by half. Thus, we reduce it to 1 cubic meter of water per ton, while TBS consumes 2 cubic meters. This is very important because it is much easier to dehydrate after TCS, which reduces costs.

In 2015, 18 TCS separators were manufactured and installed in factories in China, differing from each other in terms of coal grade and degree of coal preparation. The trials were conducted until 2020 and yielded simply incredible results. All mills recorded an increase in concentrate yields of 2% to 4%. Let's assume that 2% is 2 tons per hour. Multiply that value by 7,300 hours per year and multiply by 95, you get $1,387,000. In addition to the obvious economic benefits, there is another - equally important one. These 2-4% are not obtained from thin air, these are the coal quantities usually thrown into tailings, where they oxidize and after a while ignite, releasing not just CO22 but also half of the periodic table of elements.
TCS features

- Stable offload: the pump is used for offloading, tailings discharge is continuous and stable, and their volumes are known and controlled.

- Smart: digital control and automatic operation.

- Wide particle size range: wide range of separation grades, reaching up to 1.5 mm.

- High accuracy: dynamic interference, reduced nonconformities, higher separation accuracy.

- Stable separation: automatic control system is stable, separation can be stabilized at each level
Особенность TCS
Тяжелосредный сепаратор Интеллектуальный сепаратор TCS
Innovative technologies and efficient equipment is simply necessary for any modern enterprise striving for growth and aiming to grasp leading positions in the market.

We are on the threshold of complex and large-scale transformations associated with comprehensive modernization and technological upgrade of the entire coal processing industry. All of us can make a significant contribution to the further development not only of each individual country, but also of the entire world.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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