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Pneumatic smart TDS separator

How to reduce product cost and transportation costs by coal preparation directly in the open pit?
No need for factories, production facilities, or the like. Just choose the right equipment.

Pneumatic smart TDS separator

TDS Smart separator for dry beneficiation allows to reduce the cost of processing by 20-30 rubles per ton of product.

Several factors contribute to this:
No water use and no coal sludge production
Increase in concentrate yield and in waste ash content
TDS does not require a separate dewatering system, sludge stripping and media extraction stages.
It is simple enough to be handled by just one person, which greatly reduces the percentage of inefficient manual labor. In comparison, the cost of maintenance and spare parts is on a par with traditional equipment.

The smart dry separation system includes several components such as grade sorting, ash content determination and product separation. There are also auxiliary systems for air supply, dust extraction and power distribution and control. Another valuable feature is that this separator can output three products due to the different air flow rates. The separation accuracy is much higher than the traditional sedimentation machine.
Smart TDS separator mode of operation
This equipment is already in operation in more than 100 mines in Australia and China, with tests showing unprecedented results.

By using smart TDS dry separator, we do not only get safe coal preparation, but also lower production and transportation costs, higher ash content in the waste, lower percentage of inefficient manual labor and easy maintenance. All of this is available with just a single separator.
A containerized plant is easily installed right in the face and separates produced rock. The ash content of coals fed for preparation can be up to 90%. The separator filters out concentrate efficiently from the diluted mass and does not require water.

TDS Smart Dry Separation is a technology for pneumatic coal beneficiation with grades of
1) +10 -25 mm with a separation accuracy similar to a sedimentation machine.
2) +25mm - 70mm;
3) +50 - 600 mm
After classification into grades, the coal is evenly fed on a belt feeder and then X-rayed, after which a pneumatic nozzle separates the rock from the coal.

Capacity up to 380 t/hour or 3 million tons per year without water, radial thickeners, magnetites, centrifuges and pumps.

It does not require special permits. The X-rays sensor does not require registration with the State authorities.
Main TDS separation systems
Separation and uniform, single-layer distribution of feed on a belt conveyor
Recognition and execution
Recognizing coal and rock with X-rays
Auxiliary systems
For air supply, dust extraction, power distribution and control.
The TDS technology level is demonstrated by six main aspects
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
    Types of grades
  • 4
  • 5
    Enrichment capacity
  • 6
    Smart operation
1. Precision
The core of the smart dry separator.

A TDS capable of producing three types of output (concentrate, intermediate product and rock) has been designed specifically for hard-to-enrich coals.
A pneumatic nozzle of the three-product TDS separates materials by applying different pressures for each product.
- The rock falls into the rightmost chute.
- The coal intermediate product falls into the middle chute.
- The concentrate ens up in the leftmost chute.

The processes will need to be setup differently for coal with waste rock. The concentrate is taken out of the total mass of material, since there is more waste.

The three-product TDS guarantees high quality of the concentrate.
The coal intermediate product can be used as a commercial output or can be used for subsequent downstream processes at the plant.
TDS separation accuracy
TDS can be as high as 1-3% of the coal content of the rock.
Comparative table of separation accuracy
2. Productivity
Productivity is an important indicator of smart dry separator.

Factors affecting productivity:
- Conveyor width
- Conveyor speed
- Rock coarseness and ash content of raw coal.

Different models of TDS separator have been developed in the factory to maximize performance
Selection table for the TDS 300-50mm smart dry separator
Note: 300 mm - 50 mm capacity is based on 25%
Selection table for smart dry separator TDS 100-20mm
Note: capacity 300 mm - 50 mm
3. Coarseness.
TDS solves the problem of recognizing extra large chunks of 400-200 mm in size.
The upper limit of particle size fed by TDS can reach 300 mm, the lower limit can reach 25 mm, and the maximum beneficiation size up to 600 mm.
4. Reliability.
All TDS components are designed according to explosion proof standards.

The company has passed Class I and Class II explosion safety certification and coal safety certification, allowing TDS equipment to operate in mines.

The TDS is equipped with a portable test and verification unit and a radiation detection and alarm device to ensure a safe radiation environment for employees.
The TDS separator is licensed for radiation protection and complies with international radiation safety standards.

- The radiation equipment is fully sealed with lead plates.

-During operation, radiation intensity around the enclosure is less than 2.5 µSv / h. which is below permissible limits of 1 µSv / h.

- The X-ray device does not produce radiation after the power is turned off .
5. Enrichment.
The factory has an industrial sample of the separator in the lab and can perform tests inviting customers to participate.

Since TDS's development, Meiteng has conducted numerous trials of smart dry separation of raw coal at about 100 coal mines in China and Australia.
6. Smart operation.
The main aspects of smart operation are:
  • 1
    Self-learning system
    As the amount of data increases, the separation accuracy continues to improve and the adaptability to coal quality becomes higher.
  • 2
    Fault self-test.
  • 3
    Remote operation and maintenance.
    Meiteng Technology has built a remote control center in Tianjin to provide remote online operations such as:
    - troubleshooting
    - remote equipment testing
    - updating software remotely, as a way to service customer responsively.
Advantages of the TDS separator
  • No use of water and cuttings
    TDS smart dry separator utilizes advanced technology.
    The separation process requires no water and produces no coal sludge. The annual sludge volume can be reduced by 37,500 tons.
  • System simplicity
    TDS does not require a system for product dewatering, sludge cleaning and media extraction. The system is very simple.
  • High efficiency
    For large volumes of beneficiation, the cost of the equipment can be recouped, already by reducing losses of useful materials.
  • Low operating costs
    Due to automatic operations and simplicity of the TDS separator system, no increase in personnel costs is required. The cost of maintenance and spare parts is comparable to traditional equipment.
    TDS consumes less energy than the separator.
    Beneficiation cost from 20 ₽/ton.
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