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Vibrating feeders

They are used to continuously and uniformly discharge, feed or distribute material to downstream processing systems.
TAPP Group

Vibrating feeders

Vibrating feeders are designed for hopper discharge of bulk and lumpy material prone to vaulting. This equipment is used in mining, ore mining, chemical, food processing and other industries. They come in suspended and supported, horizontal and inclined types.

Vibrating feeders ensure a constant and steady movement of feed through the hopper mouth and prevent blockages. Such equipment is the most efficient, reliable and economical. Can be used as screening equipment for fine grade material.

Tapp Group vibrating feeders are made of highly durable materials. Requires service every 6 months to lubricate vibration motor bearings. The housing is treated with a wear-resistant coating to provide protection against corrosion and rapid wear. The bottom lining can be made of EWP, Hardox steels, structural steels, depending on the purpose of the feeder and the desired service life. Service life of the EWP liner. Up to seven years. Every piece of equipment is built with care in accordance with Australian standards.

You can buy a vibrating feeder by contacting us in any convenient way for you.

Types of feeders

  • Вибрационные питатели
    Vibrating feeders
    This standard equipment is installed in existing plants instead of swing feeders for feed dosing and load control. Due to vibration, the feed distributes more evenly and faster, especially with materials prone to sticking and freezing. There are situations when a frozen piece of rock mass gets stuck in the swinging feeder and the moving table performs dry runs. It necessitates to stop production and break up the piece. In the case of a vibratory feeder, more often than not, the piece falls apart on its own and there is no plant downtime.
  • Вибрационные питатели
    Suspended vibrating feeder with a chute
    Compared to the known types of feeders (plate, reciprocating, apron, belt) vibrating feeders, due to their specific interaction with the processed medium, provide a more stable flow of material through the hopper mouth, prevent sticking and vaulting, and favorably differ in terms of power consumption, reliability, abrasive wear and, often, metal consumption. Vibrating feeders make it possible to combine the transportation of material along the chute with its screening and dewatering.
  • Вибрационные питатели
    Vibrating feeder with grates
    The vibrating feeder is equipped with a grate, which is used to separate the size class that can not be crushed further. The feeder boasts a higher level of efficiency and a long service life.
  • Ленточные питатели для регулируемой подачи сыпучих продуктов
    Belt feeders
    Belt feeders are designed to regulate the feeding flow of bulk products. When conveying the feed from hoppers or other storage tanks in a continuous manner a uniform off-loading is preferable: to belt conveyors, crushers, screens, mills, sorting plants, etc. The feeder can be used as a volumetric dosing feeder. It is used for dosing coal, sand, cement, limestone and so on.

    The dosing accuracy of the belt feeder is in 30 kg range. The capacity of the belt feeder depends on the belt speed, which can be changed by means of a frequency converter, and/or the thickness of the product layer regulated by a gate valve. The belt speed is controlled by the motor through a frequency converter.
  • Системы автоматической выгрузки сливающегося материала из бункеров
    Systems for automatic hopper discharge of liquid material
    Thanks to rotating elements sticking materials can be efficiently discharged.
  • Челюстные затворы для подачи материалов из расходного бункера
    Jaw gates
    Jaw gate is optimal for controlling loading and unloading of material on conveyor systems and is widely used to handle solid feeds and powder materials in metallurgy, mining, light industry, electric power, grain and other industries. The gate (jaws or gate valves) can substitute hopper feeders, while completely eliminating gravity flow, unlike the latter.

Operational advantages of feeders

  • Simple design that does not require excessive maintenance.
  • Vibration motors with IP66 protection class, sourced from the recognized world leader in vibration technologies - Italian company OLI.
  • A compact and robust feeder housing is protected against wear by replaceable liners with wear-resistant cladding.
  • The vibration feeder can easily be put into operation even in the presence of oversized pieces of rock mass.
  • If you need to increase capacity of the vibration feeder, adjust the angle of the box.
  • AURY vibration feeders are characterized by long service life, easy operation and high efficiency.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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