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Filter presses and their applications

Filter presses and their applications
Comments from TAPP Group expers
Most modern coal preparation plants (CPPs) have a dewatering section. Dewatering is necessary to reduce the moisture content of the coal concentrate to an acceptable level that allows its efficient storage, transportation and further use. Water in the concentrate can significantly complicate these processes and lead to economic and technical problems.

However, there are technologies that can reduce the amount of moisture already at the beneficiation stage. For example, the use of different types of centrifuges and hydrocyclones. But it is not possible to completely abandon the dewatering section of a coal preparation plant, because even with such technologies there is still a need for final moisture removal to achieve coal quality standards.

The following types of filter presses are commonly used in coal preparation plants:

- Membrane filter presses: They provide a high degree of dewatering through the use of membranes that expand and contract, creating additional pressure on the sludge. This allows a low moisture content in the filtrate to be achieved.

- Frame filter presses: The classic type of filter press preferred for its reliability and efficiency in removing moisture. It consists of a series of vertically arranged filter plates with filter media between them.

- Chamber filter presses: These are similar to the frame ones, but designed to allow for increased filtration volume due to additional chambers located between the filter plates.
Can a filter press be put into a production line of an already operating factory?

Yes, building in a filter press into an existing production line in an operating concentrator is possible and can significantly improve the efficiency of the dewatering process. Nowadays, a focus is on beneficiation of fine grades, due to deterioration of the newly mined coals, and stricter requirements to the quality of end-products.

TAPP Group experts have extensive experience in reconstructing and technical revamping of existing preparation plants. We offer a full range of services including design, supply and installation of equipment. We offer a wide range of equipment for the dewatering process: belt, vacuum, chamber press filters, precipitation-filtering centrifuges, etc.

Sourcing the equipment to satisfy specific raw material requirements to get to the required objective is done by our engineering company. We also provide raw material research and laboratory testing services to ensure the outcomes that are as close as possible to actual mill conditions.

Thus, TAPP Group has the necessary competencies and experience to successfully integrate filter presses and other equipment into existing production environments, ensuring high quality of the final product and satisfaction of our partners' needs.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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