Can a filter press be put into a production line of an already operating factory?
Yes, building in a filter press into an existing production line in an operating concentrator is possible and can significantly improve the efficiency of the dewatering process. Nowadays, a focus is on beneficiation of fine grades, due to deterioration of the newly mined coals, and stricter requirements to the quality of end-products.
TAPP Group experts have extensive experience in reconstructing and technical revamping of existing preparation plants. We offer a full range of services including design, supply and installation of equipment. We offer a wide range of equipment for the dewatering process: belt, vacuum, chamber press filters, precipitation-filtering centrifuges, etc.
Sourcing the equipment to satisfy specific raw material requirements to get to the required objective is done by our engineering company. We also provide raw material research and laboratory testing services to ensure the outcomes that are as close as possible to actual mill conditions.
Thus, TAPP Group has the necessary competencies and experience to successfully integrate filter presses and other equipment into existing production environments, ensuring high quality of the final product and satisfaction of our partners' needs.