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TAPP Group vertical screw centrifuges

Vertical centrifuge with screw discharge

Vertical centrifuge with screw discharge consists of a rotor that generates centrifugal force and a screw mechanism that lets separation products out. Vertical screw centrifuges principle of operation is based on the use of centrifugal force, which is generated by the rotation of the rotor. Solids and liquids enter the centrifuge chamber where they are subjected to centrifugal force. As a result, the solids are separated from the liquid. Vertical screw centrifuges come in a variety of sizes and capacities, allowing you to choose the best option for your specific application. They can be equipped with various control and monitoring systems to ensure high accuracy and stability of the separation process.

TAPP ARML vertical screw centrifuges (with screw residue discharge) are reliable and easy to operate when dewatering coal preparation products from 0.15 mm to 3 mm.
ARML series vertical centrifuges are 15% more productive than horizontal screw centrifuges.

Lateral positioning of the drive significantly reduces maintenance time and increases personnel safety.

One of the vertical screw discharge centrifuges's advantage is their high efficiency. They can quickly and accurately separate liquids, which increases productivity and reduces production costs. Moreover, these centrifuges can be easily built in existing production processes, making them user-friendly.
Side-mounted drive
The lateral positioning of the drive contributes to convenient, fast and safe maintenance. Such an arrangement allows quick and easy access to parts and assemblies, facilitating repair work and reducing time costs.

The centrifuge inspection window allows for inspection of the screen and basket without removing the lid.

Fail-safe mechanical torque sensor
Screw centrifuges are equipped with a fail-safe mechanical torque sensor. The torque sensor is designed as a split clutch with a flat spring designed so that the spring pressing on the outer split cage releases the clutch when the load increases. At that moment, it disengages the torque transmission from the pulley to the shaft. For example, if oversized pieces, foreign objects, or other inclusion end up in the screw impeding its rotation and creating the risk of damage to the centrifuge, the torque sensor will trigger and stop the screw movement. Thus, the objective of the torque sensor is to prevent destruction of the main structural elements of the centrifuge in case of emergency situations.

After stopping, the torque sensor is cocked into a ready position by a spring. The non-contact speed sensor is guaranteed to signal the main shaft motor to shut down and is adjustable in the speed range from 0 to 100%.
Технические характеристики шнековой центрифуги
Additional equipment
  • Centrate wells
  • Loading box
  • Unloading box

  • Control cabinet
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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