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Vibration centrifuges


TAPP Group dewatering centrifuges

Vibration centrifuges are used for dewatering of beneficiation products and are used in coal, chemical, food and other industries. In the mining industry, they are used for dewatering medium 0.5 to 50 mm grade concentrate.

Tapp Group' s vibration centrifuges are designed to increase mill throughput and reduce the moisture content of the beneficiation product.
Centrifugal forces generated by the rotation of the centrifuge rotor and the vibratory dynamics created by vibration are used to separate the material into solid and liquid phases. And the larger the diameter of the rotor and the frequency of its rotation and vibration, the greater these forces. As a rule, in the case of dewatering centrifuges used in coal preparation plants, centrifugal forces exceed gravity by several hundred times. In addition to vibrating centrifuges there are also screw centrifuges with horizontal and vertical loadout for dewatering of 0.2 to 3 mm products, sedimentation centrifuges for dewatering of particles up to 10 microns and sedimentation-filtering centrifuges for dewatering particles from 150 microns to 0.5 mm.

Tapp Group's vibratory centrifuges are deisgned from ground up, starting from engineering and physical research. We use new approaches to achieve better performance.

One of the main features of our vibration centrifuges is the design with overhead vibrators; the location of the feed chute and centrate discharge (bottom or side). The feed chute directs the feed flow to the rotor base, so the material is evenly distributed on the rotor surface, which improves the dewatering efficiency, and there is no splashing, which prolongs the life of the rotor, basket mounting plate and affects the life of the basket. Dehydration with this design is 0.4 -0.7% lower compared to analogs. The drain for the centrate is located at the bottom of the centrifuge for easy outlet to the plant's water and sludge sewerage. On request, the drain can be located on the side of the centrifuge.

The electric motor has a high starting torque for a fast ramp-up. It is mounted on rails, allowing easy and convenient adjustment of belt tension. The motor system utilizes tapered roller bearings, which are specially designed for applications with high vibration loads.

Our centrifuges are equipped with two vibration motors mounted in the back of the case on the left and right. Vibrations are transmitted mainly to the rotor, while the housing vibrates very little and the centrifuge generates virtually no dynamic loads on the supporting structures. Vibration amplitude is adjusted by simply rotating the eccentric weights, which can be accessed by removing protective covers from the vibration motors.

Rotor vibrations move the sediment towards the discharge end of the rotor stirring it, improving dewatering.

You can buy a vibration centrifuge by contacting us through any convenient communication channel
Spare parts for centrifuges

We ensure timely delivery of spare parts and consumables to our clients with no compromise to quality of supplied products. We want our clients' businesses to continually improve their performance, and we are committed to doing everything we can to help thrive.

Our service technicians regularly visit our clients' facilities to inspect and service the equipment. They are ready to come to your plant within 3 days with not just service operations but to assist and advise if needed.

Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
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or give us a call
8 (800) 301 27 73; +7 (4722) 23-28-39
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