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TAPP Group screens – Customized solutions for maximum productivity

TAPP Group screens are a combination of advanced technology and an individual touch. We design screens to suit your individual factory conditions, ensuring maximum efficiency and service life. By relying on high quality materials, we build equipment that operates fail-free and requires minimal maintenance, reducing costs and increasing profits.
The screens are used for dewatering of various materials or separating bulk and solid materials into grades. The screening process is carried out using sieves with mesh sizes to suit various needs. Coarse material moves along the sieve, and small pieces corresponding to the diameter of apertures fall into the sub-sieve space.

We specialize in increasing beneficiation plants efficiency. Crushers, mills, hydrocyclones' performance often depends on the size of the material being fed to them by the screens! We can professionally (meaning we always deliver) divide feed material into classes. We calculate and build equipment that will maximize the efficiency of your facility.
Feedback on TAPP Group screens
Eduard Galimov, Chief Engineer of Pechorskaya CPP
Feedback on a TAPP Group screen
Sergey Yakubov, Mechanic at SUEK-Khakassia
TAPP Group supplies a full range of vibrating screens for various process and efficient operation. Banana, horizontal, heavy duty, high-frequency, dewatering, Flip-Flop screensГрохоты.

We design equipment using modern software and advanced technologies relying on high quality materials. Our comprehensive approach allows to detect and eliminate all issues at production stage and increase performance and reliability of the equipment.

You can buy standard-sized screen from our company or order to your specs, we will manufacture them to suit your individual needs. If you need to separate material to grades or classes, then TAPP Group is your vendor of choice. We will design a screen to meet your needs. All you have to do is give us a task.

Get in touch for a free consultation and find out how customized screens can improve your production processes!
TAPP Group's dewatering units are the optimal equipment for such layouts.
Flexible approach
  • We can design and manufacture screens to suit current production conditions, considering your overall dimensions and operational features.
  • We can manufacture multi-deck combined screens with fixed and movable decks.
  • Screen deck interface angles can be designed to meet special applications and material characteristics.
  • You can enjoy extended warranty for 5 years!
  • Estimated service life of our screens is 12 years!
  • All screens are manufactured to the highest standards of technical aesthetics and serviceability.

Technical execution of TAPP Group

Screen design

Our equipment reliability is of paramount importance for TAPP Group, therefore we use shipbuilding steels with special mechanical properties to ensure reliable and long-lasting operation under vibration loads and uneven material feeding.

All welds are subjected to non-destructive testing prior to blasting and painting to ensure compliance with DIN EN ISO 5817, Australia and New Zealand AS/NZS 1554.1:2011 and American Welding Society AWS D1.1 / D1.1 M weld quality standards.
Конструкция высокочастотного грохота
Поперечные балки грохотов AURY
Cross beams
The cross beams of our screens are made of high-strength steel and have a circular cross-section. The exterior is protected from wear and tear to resist loading in all directions and eliminate irreversible deformation caused by oblique bending, ensuring the longevity of the entire structure.
Longitudinal and cross beams of the screen, including the mounting assembly, are joined together by means of Huck Bolt fasteners, therefore preventing welding stresses in the metal, in order to increase reliability and serviceability of the cross beams. Cross beams, joins and brackets are coated with two layers of high quality 5 mm thick polyurethane, which is non-flammable during welding operations and provides high resistance to abrasion and corrosion.
Узел крепления балок грохота
Loading box
The screen loading box, designed by TAPP Group engineers, allows to evenly distribute the load on the equipment.

TAPP Group manufactures two types of boxes: standard ones, and the one with sieves for pre-drainage of moisture.

The boxes are made of high-strength structural steel and can be protected with a new generation of EWP bimetallic liners, the thickness of the liner can be adapted according to client's individual characteristics.

The unique box design allows to pacify the feeding flow and distribute it so that the maximum screening surface area is utilized. This avoids uneven wear of screens and liners, reduces shock loads on the screen feed section and increases its efficiency. Boxes can be fitted with self-fluting and baffle plates to protect the structure from wear and tear. Sieves in the loading box allow excess water to be discharged efficiently.

We produce direct flow loading boxes as well as angled boxes designed to change the angle of flow and distribute it evenly.
The loading box pacifies and evenly distributes the feed material, eliminating rapid wear of the loading panels and preventing additional vibrations from affecting the screen structure, prolonging its service life.
Screen bath
The screen bath is made of structural steel, and is designed to collect and direct the sorted material.

TAPP Group experts produce individual calculation of structural loads for each client, which allows to ensure a long service life of our boxes. Box angles are designed so that the material can move freely without clogging or sticking. Screen baths can be protected by a new generation EWP bimetallic lining. We manufacture double baths used for magnetite washing.
Узел крепления балок грохота
Attention to detail
To ensure that cylindrical shape of apertures in the screen sideboard for Huck Bolt mounts and to avoid tapering, we drill the holes on a CNC gantry drilling machine. Many other vendors would prefer plasma treatment, but we must ensure reliability, so drilling is the only option!

Screen parts are protected against mechanical damage when moved to the assembly line!
Screen vibrating exciters
  • Built in a solid cast iron housing for maximum unit reliability

    Finished exciters are tested on a stand for a minimum of 72 hours to control bearing temperature and vibration
  • The vibration exciters use only SKF Explorer spherical roller bearings, designed specifically for high vibration loads and to sustain dirt and poor lubrication;
  • Location of vibration exciters on the edges of the screen, directly above the sideboards, allows to reduce cross-section of the sub-impeller beam, which favorably affects the weight of the screen.
  • High excitation force and long service life - up to 60,000 motor hours

    User-friendly adjustment of the vibration amplitude
Motor system
- TECO-Westinghouse motors with high starting torque ensure that the screen quickly skips through the resonance region;

- OPTIBELT V-belts transmitted torque to the main shaft. Belts tension can be adjusted easily by means of a guide rail;

- SKF bearings are used in the middle shaft, mounted by means of a spacer sleeve;

- All moving parts of the driveshafts are protected by anti-dust covers, which has a positive effect on service life and lubricant consumption.

Screening surfaces

All screening surfaces meet the following requirements:
Efficient separation at a given design coarseness:
The variety of shapes and types, as well as the high dimensional accuracy and taper of the sieve openings, ensures unobstructed passage of material under vibration conditions.

Maximized durability:
Our polymer and metal sieves use only high wear resistance materials and mechanically sound elements. Our dynamically active sieves made of polyurethane are characterized by elasticity and rigidity.
Screening surfaces:

10 HF series sieves last 5-7 times longer than standard sieves!

Metal sieves made of stainless steel chromium-manganese alloy.

Polyurethane sieves are as good as or even better than metal sieves in terms of open area, with significantly higher wear resistance. This was achieved through the use of new materials with improved physical and mechanical properties and better manufacturing processes.

Robust sieve fastening system:
The design of the sieve fastening system ensures stable condition of the screening surface during the whole service life, excluding spontaneous loosening. Fastening assemblies allow for quick replacement with minimal labor.
Sidewalls protection
Sidewall are protected by removable wear-resistant polyurethane liners with a height of up to 450 mm.
Конструкция грохота. Защита бортов
Брызгальные устройства грохота AURY
Any screen can be optionally equipped with sprinklers with brass, bronze, polyurethane nozzles to ensure effective washing and desliming.

The sealing assembly of the sprinkler entry point on the lower or upper deck of the screens is watertight.
Protection of beams against corrosion
All beams' inner surfaces are protected with polyurethane paint to eliminate corrosion failure, which is important because the beams are designed to last for the entire life of the screen.
Защита балок грохота от коррозии
Виброизоляционные рамы для грохота
Vibration isolation
Vibration isolation frame reduces dynamic loads transmitted by the screen by at least 98%;

The frame reduces vibration adverse effects on building structures and operating personnel.
Do not hesitate to contact us for the equipment setup and configuration.
For inquiries, you can contact us via WhatsApp at the phone number below or send us an email.
Phone (WhatsApp): +7 (910) 320 27 52
Email: info@tapp-group.ru
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Awarded as the best business of Russia in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
An exclusive partner of AURY in Russia
80 companies use our equipment
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4 hours for PPR.